Janey's Bread
Louisa, VA
Low-interest loan funded Sept. 2023
Jane Gioiosa began Janey's bread in 2021 after a whirlwind of life events, including growing up on her family's farm winery and cultivating a passion for homegrown, home-cooked meals, to attending culinary school, and surviving cancer—twice. Having launched the company in Nashville, TN, she has since moved to Virginia and is now baking over 100 loaves of bread every day with a woodfired oven.
Jane is committed to working regenerative suppliers. As a member of the Common Grain Alliance, she sources her materials from farmers who do not use chemicals and pesticides and works with millers who she knows will supply her with freshly milled, non-processed flours. She has strong relationships with all her supplies. “I always say I sell products to my community that I would feed my family with,” Jane says. She also accepts less-than-ideal grain that farmers would usually cast aside.
FoodCap supported Janey's bread with a low-interest loan to build a workshed to store her oven and expand her production space. A portion of her loan will also go towards refinancing her credit card debt, a less common use of funds in our portfolio, but a boon to farmers who have needed cashflow to bridge the gap before seasonal revenue comes in, but have trouble catching up due to high interest rates. We're excited to watch Janey's "rise"!